Marcos da Rosa Garcia; Juciane Araldi; Magnaldo de Moura Araújo; Haruê Tanaka, Roger Cristiano Lourenço da Silva, Thiago da Silva Sales, Rodrigo da Silva Melo, Daniel Ramalho Alves; Gutenberg de Lima Marques

This article presents the results of a research that aimed to perform a bibliographic mapping of works that relate technology to music education published in the annals of world conferences and seminars promoted by the International Society for Music Education (ISME) from 2010 to 2018. The methodology used was an integrative bibliographic review of publications made available on the ISME website, referring to the last five meetings. Given that the documents are digital, the first phase of the research consisted on searching all the documents, using the following keywords: online/distance education, blended learning, virtual, e-learning, digital, m-learning, networking, media. We found 49 works, whose initial reading and cataloging resulted in the following categories: (1) music creation, diffusion and consumption in cyberspace; (2) online and hybrid music education; (3) knowledge, skills and training for the 21st century; (4) technological resources for teaching and learning music. Among the main results, we highlight the relationship of some digital music teaching and learning platforms to the classroom, the exploration of social media in the teaching of music, the experiences with online courses, the exploration of computer graphic resources, and the pedagogical use of virtual reality among others. It is possible to see that the studies improve the discussions on technology and music education as they relate various forms of the relationship among people, technologies and music. However, there are still gaps in studies on the subject, such as assistive technologies for music and innovative methodologies, showing that it is a dynamic field in constant transformation.

GARCIA, Marcos da Rosa; ARALDI, Juciane; ARAÚJO, Magnaldo de Moura; TANAKA, Haruê; SILVA, Roger Cristiano Lourenço da ;SALES, Thiago da Silva; MELO, Rodrigo da Silva; ALVES, Daniel Ramalho; MARQUES, Gutenberg de Lima . Technology and music education: A mapping of ISME international meetings publications from 2010 to 2018. In: World Conference on Music Education, 34, 2020, Online. ​Proceedings. Victoria: International Society for Music Education (ISME), 2020. p. 161-171. Disponível em:

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